Frequently Asked Questions

What types of bones are safe to give my dog?

To be truly honest, giving bones to pets are not safe.  The only reason why some of us tend to think it is good is because it keeps them busy.  

So if this is the reason for giving bones you should definitely have a look at alternatives that is available on the market.  There are plenty of other chew treats to choose from.  Your vet should be able to tell you what you can try.

Bones reallly do not have any nutritional value, therefore there is no reason to actually give them bones and bones are indigestible, which can lead to major surgery if the bone gets stuck.

For a more in depth read on bones – please click on the link below for our full article;

Bones: The good, the bad and the ugly

With so many tick and flea treatments on the market for dogs, one of which is a tablet, what would be the best to use for my dog?​

This is quite a challenging question as different dogs respond differently to products available on the market.

The tablet forms of tick and flea control for dogs is pleasant to use if you have a dog that absolutely loves swimming because the spot-on treatments works with the oil of the skin on the dog, therefore if your dog swims you have to wait at least three days for the spot-on treatment to be most effective.

At the moment it seems that the tablet form of tick and flea control for dogs is the most popular option because it is less stressful to some dogs.  Some dogs absolutely hates having a liquid put on them where others would refuse to eat a tablet – therefore it basically comes down to preference to the owner, in what way they would find it easier to maintain the health of their pet, and what they are prepared to pay for the prevention and control of ticks and fleas in their home.

Add YMy cat has dirt on his/her chin that we can't seem to clean. What can we do about it? our Heading Text Here

The dirt you see on the chin is a common skin condition in cats, known as Feline acne.  Feline acne should be treated by the vet because there is a difference in severities to this skin condition.

Cleansing the skin with diluted disinfectant is recommended daily, please just don’t use human skin disinfectants as this can be harmful.  Applying a warm cloth to the chin, if your cat allows you to, will open the pores, allowing better cleansing of the skin.

For more information on Feline acne, please read our following article;

My cat has pimples!

I want to spay my dog, but should I let her have a litter first?

No.  At Linden Vet we recommend you spay your dog at six months.  She does not need to have a litter first.  When she has a litter, you will need to find all these pups homes, which will only add to the problem of unwanted pets.  You might even end up keeping another, which means more vet bills to keep this pup healthy as well. 

Spaying your dog will also have medical benefits for your dog, such as the risk of mammary cancer being reduced drastically.  To find out more about spaying please read our full article on Spaying/Neutering your pet.

What is Spirocerca lupi?

Spirocerca lupi is a worm with a three stage life cycle.  Egg – Larvae – Adult.  This worm occurs in summer rainfall areas.  The preventative therapy of this worm is not yet proven but some of the products on the market have been registered to be effective against Spirocerca lupi. 

As a rule vets usually recommend deworming your pet every 3 months to prevent common worms.

Please read our full article on Spirocerca lupi.

Can I treat my pet's wound at home?

Most human medicines and remedies are not suitable for pets as it can sometimes even be dangerous.
At Linden Vet we recommend you take your pet in to the vet to clean the wound and make sure that everything is ok, but if you are treating it at home, call Linden Vet at 011 782 5367 for vet assistance.
Also read the following article on treating wounds at home.

Why does my dog snap at me when he/she is eating?

This is just your pet’s way of telling you that he or she would like to be left alone while he or she eats.  It is also canine instinct for the leader to eat first and your dog might consider himself to be the leader of the house.

If you notice that this is the case and your dog becomes aggressive, it would be a good idea to get an animal behaviourist to help you.  If he/she is still young, it is the perfect time to take him/her to puppy school.

Should I continue with tick & flea control during winter?

Yes because ticks and fleas are still active during winter.  Most cases seen by our vets with biliary are often due to owners whom have omitted to use tick and flea products, especially during winter time.  Ticks and fleas are less active during winter but still pose a real threat to your pet.

My child was bitten by a mouse (shrew,rat or monkey). Must he/she receive anti-rabies treatment?

If bitten by a shrew or rat then contracting rabies is not likely, however seek medical attention to treat bite wounds as they can become infected. If bitten by a monkey, depending on the behaviour of the animal, anti-rabies treatment may be indicated, seek medical attention.

Please read the following article on Frequently Asked Questions about rabies.

When hand rearing a kitten or puppy, can I give them cow's milk?

No, it is best to buy formula.

Formula is made specifically for the species (dog/cat) you want to feed, therefore guaranteeing that your puppy or kitten gets the correct nutrients it needs for healthy development.

When is a good idea to take my puppy for his/her first grooming session?

It is best to wait until your puppy has had all of the primary vaccinations.  After these it would be ok to book your pup for grooming.

Remember to make sure the groomer is professional and that it is a safe environment to take your pet to.

How often should I deworm my animals?

In order to prevent worms, deworming every 3 months (12 weeks) is a good idea.

At Linden Vet we sell dewormers over the counter, so please pop in and ask for help if you need.

What temperature is considered normal for a pet?

38° – 39,2°

At what age is my pet considered a senior?

Cats become senior at around 7 years of age.

Dogs depend on what breed they are.  Small breeds start their senior years at 7 and large breeds at 5.

So from these ages you may change their food to a senior diet.

I've heard a lot about F.I.P. What exactly is it and should I be concerned for my cat?

F.I.P. is a fatal disease known as Feline infectious peritonitis and can be seen in young cats from 6 months to 2 years.

F.I.P. is a very ‘tricky’ disease being hard to diagnose.  Many of the symptoms look like other diseases that is not so serious and can be mistaken for Feline Corona Virus.  Some symptoms include breathing difficulties, swollen tummy, cloudy eyes and behaviour changes.

For more information on F.I.P. please read the following article;

Do I have to bring my pets for their annual vaccination on the exact date that their booklet states?

The date of vaccinations for puppies and kittens are more important to stick to than in your adult pets.

Young puppies and kittens are still building immunity and therefore exact vaccination dates are important.  In older cats and dogs vaccination is used to boost immunity and also to give your pet a thorough check up, therefore sticking to the exact date is not as important as in your younger pets as long as you still bring him/her in annually (once a year).

How often should I have my dog's nails trimmed?

Your pet’s nails will be checked during his annual health check up at the vet.

Inactive and older pets may need a pedicure more often.

From what age can my pet be spayed or neutered?

You can have your pet spayed or neutered from the age of 6 months.

Please remember to make an appointment a couple of days in advance.

Do I really have to supervise my pets when they snack?

Supervising your pet is recommended especially when they eat rawhide chews or cow hoofs.

Larger breeds are also more likely to swallow pieces of chews often resulting in choking and gagging and a lot of stress to patient and owner.

If you notice any of these symptoms, get to your vet as soon as possible.

Why is my dog scooting?

Ask yourself this question ‘When last was my dog dewormed?’  If it wasn’t in the last 3 months, consider deworming your dog.  You can deworm every 3 months to prevent a worm infestation.

Another cause of scooting could be full anal glands.  If your dog has been dewormed recently and is still scooting, please bring him to the vet so his anal glands can be checked and expressed if needed.

My cat/dog is eating grass. Is it normal?

Yes, it is a natural remedy that makes your pet vomit which helps for stomach discomfort.  Your pet will seek out the grass when he or she feels it is necessary.  There is no need for great concern, just monitor the situation, your pet and the faecal consistency.

If you have any concern, please contact us.

Do I need to feed my pets a special diet?

All pets need to be on a diet that suits them the best. A standard good quality food ensures that your pet will get the correct nutrients it needs for a healthy lifestyle.

In certain situations like a growing puppy or kitten, a kitten or puppy food needs to be fed to guarantee that your furry friend gets the correct ratio of calcium and phosphorus for healthy development.

Large and giant breed puppies should also be fed their specially formulated diets for one year to 18 months.

For your senior pets special diets are also available.

If you have any questions, please ask your veterinarian.

I am immigrating and want to take my pets with, what must I do?

There are different regulations and requirements depending on the country that you are going to.

Most countries require that your dog/cat undergoes a Rabies Titre test.  This requires a blood sample that is sent to an accredited lab.

For requirements on what exactly needs to be done for the country you are immigrating to, you can contact a pet transport company.  We can recommend Keringa Petwings – 0861303132,

My dog is out of control when I get home. What can I do?

When you get home and your dog is overexcited you can try to ignore him until he has calmed down, then you can say hallo.

If you give into his attention seeking pleas it will just reinforce the behaviour.

When your dog’s behaviour is an overall problem and it’s not just when you get home, you should consider seeing an animal behaviourist.  Your vet can help with referring you if need be.

Is it necessary to vaccinate my pets every year?

We do recommend you bring your pet in yearly for vaccinations.  When you come in to Linden Vet, the doctor seeing you will also do a general check up on your pet to make sure that his or her health is in order.

Annually vaccinating your pet is very important especially to keep your pet’s rabies protective antibodies at a high level.

Following are two articles about vaccinations for more information;

My pet has fleas, now what?

There are a multitude of products available to control fleas; these include dips, sprays, powders and shampoos etc. The most effective flea control products are however exclusively available from vets. Most of the supermarket products only kill the adult stage or, at most, two of the life-cycle stages. The veterinary recommended products should kill ALL stages of the flea on your pet. They are also much easier to use and usually come in a spot-on form where the product is applied on the coat between the shoulder blades. This is especially helpful in our difficult kittys. Remember that powders are not suitable for cats because they groom themselves by constantly licking. These products also have a wide safety margin and most of them can be used on pregnant bitches and queens and even in puppies and kittens of three days old. Pets should be treated at least once a month for a minimum of three months in order to kill all the eggs, larvae and pupa in the environment, preventing them to grow into adult fleas and again jump onto your pet. Usually by the third month the life-cycle should be broken. This may not be true in heavy infestations and some pets may need year long treatment. In such a case treatment of the environment is also very important. Ask your vet which products are safe for this – keeping in mind that fumigating your home is also hazardous to your pet’s health.

View our full article on Fleas

I am planning on traveling with my pet, what should I take along?

If you choose to travel with your pet, here are a few necessary things to take along which may come in handy along the way and at your holiday destination:

  • Water and bowls
  • Food
  • A leash (for taking your pet out of the car onto the grass)
  • Treats
  • Toys and blankets
  • Bags and a Poop Scoop to pick up stools after the trip to the grass
  • Medication if needed
  • Tick and flea products
  • A list of vets in the area you are going on holiday to
  • First aid kit
  • Grooming gear
  • Cleaning materials (for the car and your holiday accommodation)

Read the full article on traveling with your pets here.

What should I do for my pets when there is thunder or fireworks?

As a pet owner it is important that you prepare in advance to calm your animal down and keep them safe during these events. There are a number of remedies available.

  • Close the animal in a sound proof room, if you have access to such a room.
  • Keep your animal close to you as most animals feel a lot safer in the presence of their owner.
  • Get a product from your vet to help keep your animal calm.

To find out more, please read our article on fireworks and thunder storms.

Are there any pre-anaesthetic instructions for my pet?

You may bring your pet in for surgery any day of the week, (Mondays – Fridays). Please remember to stop feeding your pet from 22:00 the previous night. For cats, this means keeping them inside overnight. Water intake is fine. Your pet must be checked in at the clinic between 07:30 and 08:30 and may be collected between 16:00 and 18:30, unless you are instructed otherwise. Should your family pet need to come for surgery please contact the practice to book a date.

What should I expect after my pet has had an anaesthetic?

As in humans who have had anaesthesia, pets tend to be very groggy and sleepy. They are likely to stay drowsy for the better part of the day and the day following the anaesthetic. On getting your pet home, only offer small amounts to eat and drink (chicken and rice is ideal). Your pet may choose not to eat or may eat and then vomit, this is a common side effect of anaesthesia. If vomiting does occur, do not offer anything to eat or drink for two hours. Pets often shiver after anaesthesia as their temperature tends to drop during surgery. Cover your pet with a warm blanket if they seem to be cold. If your pet stays very drowsy for longer than 24 hours after they have had an anaesthetic, please contact us at the practice or bring your pet to the practice for a check-up.

When are stitches supposed to be removed after my pet has had an operation?

Please bring your pet to have its stitches removed 10 to 14 days after the procedure. Should your pet start removing the stitches by itself, in the interim, contact us to fit a collar or medicate your pet.

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